There are many ways to promote your company digitally! And, in most cases, implementing a Digital Marketing strategy can be synonymous with “spending a lot of money”.
Imagine that you have just created your company. Since your business is still in an “embryonic phase”, you will have limited resources and budgets. Right? Furthermore, these funds will probably be used to maintain your business.
Investing in a communications agency to help you promote your business, or allocating a budget for online advertising campaigns (Google Ads, Facebooks Ads, Display Ads, among others), will quickly fade into the background.
What if I told you that you can implement a Digital Marketing strategy while keeping costs low? – It’s true… with just the investment of a few hours a week, it is possible to implement a Digital Marketing strategy, based on Content Marketing.
In fact, what you are reading at the moment (yes… this one!) is integrated into a Content Marketing strategy. Developed and focused on the creation and distribution of relevant, constant, coherent and valuable content. The objective is simple: “the creation of a form of relationship with our audience, in nurturing their trust, and in their loyalty to our brand”.
Attention: Nothing is possible without work and dedication! Saying “with just the investment of a few hours a week…” may seem simple, but to be successful, don’t forget that you need to be resilient!
What is Content Marketing?
Content Marketing is a marketing strategy, with medium and long-term results (if you only focus on organic results), focused on the creation and distribution of relevant, constant, coherent and valuable content. Its objective is to attract and retain a specific audience, and encourage profitable actions on the part of your audience. As I often say… “Selling without necessarily being selling!”.
This is it! I could be here telling a whole story related to Content Marketing, but this is essentially what you need to remember! It’s all about:
- Define your product/service – What services or products your company has to offer, and how they help people. Please note that different services and products may have different audiences…
- Identify your target audience – Who is the audience that will consume or is interested in your products or services. What do these people value and how can you help them are the first questions you should answer.
- Produce and share content – Remember that content quality is very important! Focus on producing content that helps people get answers. Content can be shared through your website, blog, Facebook page, etc…
The concept “Content Marketing” is included in a methodology and related to the purchasing behavior of your audience. Assuming that your goal is not to obtain a master’s degree in the field, this is what you need to focus on! Who knows… in the future we might even launch a detailed course on Content Marketing! Let us know if this is something you would like to see available! 😉
Why is Content Marketing important?
“Digital Marketing is the vehicle, and content is the fuel.” – Did you understand the analogy?
Planning and implementing a content marketing strategy gives you the opportunity to answer your audience’s questions and nurture them. This way, you will be there whenever they need you. This is one of the main reasons why Content Marketing is important!
“86% of highly effective organizations have someone steering the direction of their content strategy.” – in Content Marketing Institute
Being a medium/long term strategy, it is obvious that you will not obtain immediate results. Customers won’t “rain” right after you start producing and publishing content! That’s not even the goal.
Imagine the following case…
Gonçalo has an artisanal ice cream company. Make your ice creams with natural and organic products! Integrated into its communication strategy, Gonçalo regularly produces and publishes content related to topics, such as:
- The production process of your ice creams;
- The quality and origin of the products used;
- The benefits of consuming natural products;
- Videos showing how to make delicious ice cream at home.
Now imagine that Pedro, in turn, owns a space with the Coffee & Healthy Food concept, in Óbidos! With the arrival of summer approaching, Pedro is thinking about adding delicious artisanal ice creams to his offer. After market research, where he researched the existence of this product, and production companies, Pedro found Gonçalo’s company! Here, Pedro saw his content – the content that Gonçalo shares regularly – and checked the quality of the products he produces!
In the remaining searches, Pedro also found other companies. However, without any “tangible” proof of its quality!
The question is “Who do you think Pedro will contact?!” – So it is!
It’s important to show up and nurture your audience when you show up, so that they remember you when they need it most! This is where the great added value of Content Marketing lies. This is just an example! Like this, there are many other cases…
We hope we were able, in a clear and simple way, to share with you the importance of implementing Content Marketing in your company or business! I know that now you must be asking yourself “Where should I start?!” – But that’s for a next article! If you don’t want to wait, you know… send us a message. If you already produce content regularly, see here how you can make the most of it!
Don’t forget to follow our Social Networks: Facebook; YouTube; Instagram; LinkedIn.
See you soon…