Do you reuse your content? Discover 5 ways to transform your content into more!

There are several ways to reuse your content effectively, which can be used and shared independently, on other digital platforms or as an addition to Content Distribution strategies.

The best thing to do is not, at all, take existing content and republish it as it is on other platforms (actually this has another name… it’s called “cross-posting”). The right thing to do is to create several versions or formats of this content. And how should you do it?!

At first glance this seems like a very cliché subject, and obvious to most of us – “Ah… take this content and make a video. Easy!”. However, believe that most of the time, the following ways of reusing content are ignored or simply forgotten!

Without wasting any more time, let’s analyze the 5 ways to reuse that content that took you so much work to create! Let’s go?!

Option Nº1 – The most obvious… turn your article into a video!


We start with the most obvious form of reuse, which in my opinion immediately comes to mind. Why not turn it into a video?!

And what do we need to make a video? Naturally, you already have the content! What you need to do is transform that content into a script/production plan. In other words, in the document that will guide you during the production of your video. The script must include:

  • Project description
    • Title
    • Description
    • Number of scenes
    • Estimated video duration
  • Production notes
    • Plans to use in fundraising
    • Filming location(s)
    • Required material
  • Scenes
    • Brief description of the Scene
    • Filming plan
    • Copy (text for the teleprompter)
    • Necessary graphic elements
    • Final duration

It seems complicated, but it’s not! To make your work easier, I share here a document that can help you compile your scripts. Download it, and use it to produce your own scripts.

In addition to this document, you also need:

  • A Camera – You don’t need anything fancy. An entry-level DSLR or Mirrorless, or even your phone is enough! In fact, current smartphones all have more than enough quality.
  • A tripod – Something essential, especially if you are making more professional videos.
  • Teleprompter – It’s hard to remember what I had for dinner yesterday…. Let alone a complete script! 😉 All professionals use teleprompters! There are lots of free smartphone apps, and even a website that you can check out here.
  • Lights – Not mandatory, as you can always film in spaces with natural light, but it is essential if your filming space has little light. Don’t forget, if you decide to purchase lights, video lights are called “Continuous Light”.
  • Microphone – For me, one of the most important aspects of video is the audio! If you have the means to buy a good microphone, I advise you to do so. If you can’t afford a new microphone, you can always use the one that comes with your smartphone! Yes, it’s true… use it and you’ll be impressed with the quality you can get from it (especially if it’s Huawei or Apple).

Now just make your videos and publish them! However, don’t just stick to YouTube, publish them on all possible platforms (website, Social Networks, Blogs, among others).

Option Nº2 – I think your article would make a good slideshow or an e-book… don’t you think?!

PDF documents are a great way to reuse your content, and grow your network of contacts! As? Well….it’s simple.

Don’t tell me you’ve never downloaded an e-book, or reached pages with this option?! The e-book is an efficient tool in a good Content Marketing strategy. In addition to the e-book, why not a slide presentation like PPT, but saved in PDF format?! Furthermore, this is a format that can accompany all the others listed here. For example, you can mention in the video that you have a PDF support format.

Option #3 – You don’t have time to read this article, so listen to it here!

One of the formats that I have noticed being widely available is audio! Not long ago I came across a publication that said: “You don’t have time to read this article, so listen to it here!”. I thought it was brilliant!

In fact, even as an “amateur musician”, I didn’t think about this format for reusing written content! So what do you need to create this content format?! It’s quite simple… either, you can use the audio from the video you’ve already recorded or record your own voice reading your written content.

The form of disclosure is also relatively simple. Try, as I saw in that article I mentioned above, inserting this option on your website, even before starting your article.

Option Nº4 – Infographics are great for promoting your content in a more creative way!

This format is already more complicated. Some technical knowledge, especially in graphic design, is required to create infographics. But I believe that, with a little patience, you can do it too. But what is an infographic?

An infographic is an image that represents your content, almost as if it were summarized in one image. One of the added values ​​of this format is the ease of “consumption” of your content. Also, as it is an image, it is perfect for posting on social networks, such as Pinterest.

A good “starting point” for creating your infographics is the Canva platform! Without needing to have a lot of experience, with image editing software, you can create your designs simply. In addition to having free access to the platform, you have several ready-to-use templates at your disposal… try them out and tell us what you think!

Option Nº5 – Have you already started publishing your content on other sites?!

Content Syndication is an opportunity to reach a larger audience, get more views on your articles and promote the strategic position of your brand.

Distributing content allows you to take advantage of the content you created to publish on your website, and disseminate it on other websites, blogs or platforms, being a very common practice in the digital environment.

However, there are two actions you must take when distributing your content:

  • Link to the original article – When you distribute your content on other websites, blogs or platforms, never forget to ensure that you have a link that connects it to the original content.
  • Canonical Link – It is important that, in the content distributed, you include the Canonical Link of the article (by default it will, obviously, be the original link of the article).

Furthermore, be careful not to distribute all your content on other platforms… keep your website, or blog, updated with unique content.

Here are 5 simple but great ways to reuse that content that you put so much work into creating and that, for some reason, isn’t reaching the audience you wanted! Use these tips, publish on other platforms, and optimize the visibility of your content, helping it reach the largest audience possible.

“Pedro, I think you forgot in some ways!” – Your feedback is very important! If you think I forgot anything, tell me in the comments, or send me a message! 😉

See you soon!

Note: This article is not intended as advice. Its purpose is strictly informative and does not, under any circumstances, dispense with a specific analysis of your specific case.

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