You’ve already created a website (or online store) for your business, and confirmed that it meets GDPR requirements… you’ve already set up your social networks, and ensure that you communicate relevant content to your network regularly. With all this, you didn’t forget to create an email-marketing strategy, and you’ve even made a promotional video for your business… wow… so many things, but are you missing something?! And how about a mobile app?
Why should you create an app for your website?
Apps have long been part of our daily lives. Be it social networks, which we consult daily, access to the bank via smartphone or even that game we play in our free time.
It’s true that your website is accessible through any browser, whether on your computer, smartphone or tablet! But, with the number of devices on the market, with different software versions and different specifications, sometimes your website may not appear exactly as you would like. With an app, for example, this is one of the problems you can minimize…

The advantages of transforming your website into an app…
In addition to what we talked about in the previous point, there are many other advantages to transforming your website into an app. For example:
- Proximity and objectivity – An app will help you create a strong relationship with your audience, helping your content (or products) reach your customers more quickly.
- Loyalty – By creating a close relationship with your network, you will more easily achieve loyalty.
- Data analysis – You will be able to analyze your audience’s interactions with the app and thus improve your business, maintaining interest and reinforcing customer loyalty.
- Notifications – You will be able to notify your audience of any news about your business, quickly and effectively.
Do you want proof… we leave you with a case study – “App UWU Go (Customer Portal)”

UWU Go (Customer Portal) is, as its name suggests, a Customer Portal that our client UWU Solutions makes available to its customers (where they can have a global view of their data). companies)).
The problem is that this portal was only accessible via browser, requiring the use of a computer.
Now, if you have a business, you know that, sometimes, it is difficult to have time to sit down and access a computer, to deal with processes or even visualize the performance of the business. In other words, the more agile the daily tasks related to your company are, the better… and we solve this problem!
Before (only accessible via browser):

Depois (App Mobile para iOS e Android):

Download the App and try it yourself (iOS or Android). Access to the demo is (You can also access the Browser version, to confirm the differences!!!):
- demoUWU
Do you also want to transform your website or web platform into an App? It’s simple, send us a message!
Don’t forget to follow our Social Networks: Facebook; YouTube; Instagram; LinkedIn. See you soon…